Now Filling Jobs Nationwide

We fill ANY Job within 30 days for a reasonable, flat fee

Some of Our Clients

Our clients are our most treasured assets. We nurture every relationship with commitment, passion and integrity.

Job Seekers

See a job you like on our Open Jobs page? Great!

If you meet the requirements (or get pretty close!) we’ll schedule a quick and friendly phone interview. Looking forward to getting your resume!
Click here to see open positions.

If you are actively looking for a new position but don’t see one that suits you submit your resume. If you have any questions, feel free to email us.
A real person will respond within 3 days.

Business Owners

Welcome to the #1 independent recruiting firm in California.

We fill over 500 jobs annually and have the best prices in the nation for bulk contracts.  30 days contracts, great people, fair prices and results!

Please fill out the contact form and we will arrange a phone call to discuss your needs.

Clients Testimonials

About California JobShop

Smarter. Faster. Better. Affordable.


You’ve been trying to fill an open position or looking to expand your staff for a while now. You’re getting frustrated.  It’s a tight job market. You need someone to solve your problem and you need it now. What you need is California Job Shop, an extremely experienced and hassle-free recruiting company that focuses on expanding your team and filling your permanent jobs. We’ve staffed nearly every job title from janitor to CEO in most industries. We’ve placed over 3,500 people since opening in 2015 and use our extensive experience and streamlined processes to get you the right employee at the right time.


Every time you hire California Job Shop, you are signing up to get your job opening filled within 30 days. And yes, we get it done, week after week. It doesn’t matter what the job title is, our processes are so strong, that we have staffed entire teams from Director level to associate in 30 days- many, many times. The first 1-2 weeks are spent sourcing and drumming up potential candidates and the next 1-2 weeks are spent screening and interviewing candidates in order to find the right fit for you. We have a highly trained, professional IN HOUSE team interviewing over 100 candidates daily in order to keep up with demand and find you the right person, right now.


Recruiting and hiring is the foundation of any successful business. But, it shouldn’t cost you a ridiculous amount of money. Our fees are straight forward and typically 50% lower than our competition and we earn every penny. Ready to talk? So are we.


We start each new client with just one job search, we are certain that once you try California Job Shop, you will never look elsewhere for your staffing needs. Over 90% of our clients are return customers and use our services for every single position. Other clients have an in house talent acquisition team, and call on California Job Shop for recruiting puzzles that need an expert touch.

Current Available Positions

Connect with us today!

Thank you for visiting California JobShop. As one of the leading recruitment agencies nationwide, we understand what it takes to find and place top talent. Please use the bottom below to submit your questions, comments, or suggestions and a helpful member of our team will contact you within normal business hours.